Save a Child's Heart is committed to Mending Hearts and Building Bridges by treating children of all backgrounds, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or financial status.

We know that the best way to predict the future is to build it, so how about we do this together?

Get started in three easy steps:

1. Get Creative

Use a milestone or activity that you are passionate about as the vehicle for your fundraiser. A birthday, life milestone event, favourite activity (running, biking, name it and we can turn it into a fundraiser!) Scroll below for some commonly used ideas that we can help you facilitate.

2. Involve others

Reach out to your family, friends, fellow students, co-works, to ask them for their support. Ask them to help you in one of three ways:
1. Donate to your fundraiser
2. Share your fundraiser with their network
3. Sign up themselves as a fundraiser and become a team!

3. set up your page

Click the 'Start Here' button below to set up your custom personal fundraising page. Need help? Contact us at with any of your fundraising or event questions.


B’NAI Mitzvah Fundraisers

Are you about to become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah and want to do something special to commemorate the occasion? Host a Save a Child’s Heart fundraiser in honor of your Bar/t Mitzvah. Start a B'Nai Mitzvah Fundraiser here.

School/Club Fundraisers

Want to get your school and/or club involved in Save a Child's Heart? Fundraising on campus is a great way to get involved. Start a School/Club Fundraiser here.

Birthday Fundraisers and echoage

1) Celebrating a birthday? Make it more meaningful by getting a gift AND supporting Save a Child's Heart. Your guests contribute to both with one simple contribution. To set up an ECHOAGE party for Save a Child's Heart click here.


2) Start a birthday fundraiser here

A heartbeat at home film screening

Interested in hosting a film screening of the Save a Child’s Heart documentary, A Heartbeat Away? Click here to Begin hosting a film screening.



In this small global village that we all share, we must care for our own children as well as our own neighbor's, no matter how near or far, for we are all one people and neither geography nor prejudice should impede us.

– Dr. Lior Sasson,
Director of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Wolfson Medical Center