A warm welcome Down Under

December 11, 2014

SACH Executive Director Simon Fisher and Dr. Yayu Makonnen, who is currently training to be Ethiopia’s first pediatric cardiac surgeon with Save a Child’s Heart, received a warm welcome when they visited Australia in December. Simon and Dr. Yayu met with SACH friends and supporters, including Mr Frank Lowy who they awarded a certificate to for his generous donation which saved the lives of ten children.

Simon and Dr. Yayu also introduced SACH to new and enthusiastic audiences and potential supporters, including at an event at the Beth Weizmann auditorium in Melbourne hosted by the Zionist Council of Victoria (ZCV), Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS), Australasian Jewish Medical Federation (AJMF) and AUSiMED. At another event held in Melbourne, the Lewin family, long-term SACH supporters invited member of their local community into their home to learn more about the work of the organization. Their daughter Jade, a recent graduate, is currently volunteering at the SACH house.

Photo of Simon Fisher, Frank Lowi and Dr. Yayu Makonnen courtesy of Noel Kessel / The Australian Jewish News.